25 janvier 2022

A Post-Holiday Protein Packed Recovery


I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and took some well deserved time off. If your holidays were in anyway similar to mine, you started off with one plan and “pivoted” your way through your entire holidays. Hopefully wherever you are, you were able to enjoy time with your loved ones, one way or another.

Although the headcount for Christmas dinners were always changing, the total amount of food purchased in my household remained unchanged. The “rather too much than too little” and “just in case everyone does show up” grocery store run(s) kept the flame of hope that everyone would be able to spend the holidays together. On top of it all, we were moving to Victoria on the 31st of December, and in this household, we do not waste food. We can donate and we can share, but we do not waste it. Needless to say, it all had to be gone, and by George we did it. Although that was all very enjoyable at the time, we now find ourselves ready to return to our pre-holiday, more balanced diets. One can only eat cookies and chocolates for so long before it is time to get back to a sustainable lifestyle.

First things first, getting back into a healthy diet. When you are busy or on the go, you need your protein. And a long day requires a lot of energy and trying to find the perfect source to give you that boost can be a struggle. Busy lifestyles can make getting your nutrient requirements quite difficult. Grabbing last minute snacks and drinks can become a bad habit that doesn’t always give you what you need, when you need it. Nutrition should never suffer due to lack of convenience! It is 2022, there is no excuse to compromise when there are so many healthy options that are ready in a pinch! If you are looking for an easy and delicious warm snack to keep you fueled for hours, EGG Bites! are a great solution.

As I recover from surgery, I am trying to get as much protein in me as possible. Relocating to Victoria, continuing school online, undergoing surgery and starting rehab can be very draining. Daunting at first, there is only one way to get through everything and that is to fuel up and push on. I have been enjoying EGG Bites! to start my day off. I love both the Pizza Deluxe and Tex Mex flavours and how easy and quick they are to heat up and eat, and how tasty they are when I am looking for a savoury way to start the day! They make starting the new year on the right foot a lot easier!