14 novembre 2016

Conventional Hen Housing

Bien-être des animaux

Burnbrae Farms is proud to provide consumers with choice in the type of eggs they purchase. Eggs laid by hens in our conventional (cage) housing systems provide consumers with options for affordable eggs, this is the predominant housing system used by egg farmers in Canada. The hens are raised in smaller social groups, in a clean and safe environment, with easy access to fresh food and water. Click here for more information.

Smaller Social Communities

Hens begin to lay eggs between 18 to 20 weeks of age and will lay approximately 320 eggs in a year.  Learn more here . Hens in a conventional housing system interact in smaller social communities than other systems, which minimizes aggressive behaviours such as feather pecking.  The “pecking order” is established early on and is more easily managed in these smaller groups.

Easy Access to Fresh Clean Water and Feed

Hens in this housing system have easy access to fresh, clean drinking water 24 hours a day. We work closely with a poultry nutritionist to ensure the hens eat feed with the highest nutritional content, a diet of natural grains and other wholesome ingredients, ensuring their health. Learn more here. As the hens age, we work with the nutritionist to make the appropriate changes necessary to maintain a healthy flock. A high quality, producing hen, is a healthy one.

Hens are Checked Twice Daily

The hens have adequate light and air, a well-balanced, nutritious diet; fresh water and a clean environment. In the evening, the lights are shut off so that the hens sleep at night. Each morning and evening, caretakers walk through the barns to check the well-being of the birds. The hens are weighed and monitored, while our records are updated to ensure they are receiving the care they need to remain healthy.

Ecological Footprint

Eggs laid by hens in conventional cage  housing have the lowest ecological footprint (a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems) of any type of animal agriculture with one of the lowest actual carbon footprints of all livestock products.

What’s in them for you?

Burnbrae Farms produces shell eggs in a wide variety of types and sizes. Our eggs are available at major retailers across Canada. We produce eggs under both the Naturegg and Burnbrae Farms brand names. All eggs qualify for the Heart and Stroke Health Check designation and are an excellent source of protein. Each 53 g egg is a source of 13 vitamins and minerals and excellent source of vitamin B12 and selenium, click here for their nutritional information.