15 novembre 2016

Eating Well with Eggs – 9 to 5

Produits et recettes

We all know it isn’t always easy to eat well, especially when you’re busy. That’s why, this March, Dietitians of Canada are dedicating the 2015 Nutrition Month campaign to healthy “eating 9 to 5”.

Breakfast Made Easy

Are you one of the nearly 40% of Canadians who skip breakfast? The morning rush can make it tempting to forgo breakfast. But if you do, you’ll miss out on some big benefits. A nutritious breakfast literally re-fuels your body and brain with energy and nutrients after the overnight fast. So a healthy morning meal can make a real difference in how well you perform at work, school and play.

Even if you have to take it to go, aim for a balanced breakfast that combines foods from at least three of the four food groups. Try to include fruit or vegetables, whole grains, milk or alternatives, and meat or alternatives like eggs, nuts and seeds.

Eggs are a great choice* because they:

- are a natural source of 14 nutrients
- including an excellent source of protein,and contain only 70 calories *per 1 large egg
- Plus research suggests that eating eggs for breakfast helps keep hunger at bay

Satisfying Snacks to Sustain Energy

Healthy snacks can also help sustain your energy levels between meals. If you find yourself hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon, enjoy a small nutrient-rich snack that combines some:

1. Protein (think eggs, nuts or nut butters, hummus or greek yogurt)

2. Fibre-rich carbs (think whole grains, veggies, fruit, beans and peas)

Pack a smart snack to help you avoid “brain-drain” and tide you over until lunch or dinner:

- A few whole grain crackers with a hard-boiled egg

- Cook ahead and store for up to one week or try the Naturegg Omega 3 Hard - Boiled Egg Snack Pack.

- Make up a batch of these carrot and apple muffins and freeze for quick snacks.

Light Lunch Ideas

Bored with the same old sandwich or food court fare? Lighten up with these veggie-packed lunch ideas:

- Nicoise egg and potato salad
- Lunch-box mini frittatas

So what’s the secret to a better work day? Plan and prep for healthy meals and snacks the night before!

Valerie Johnson, MHSc, RD

Thank you to Valerie Johnson, our Guest Blogger. Valerie JohnsonValerie is a Registered Dietitian and nutrition writer driven by a passion for inspiring people to eat well. She specializes in making sense of the often complex and ever evolving science of nutrition. Her love of food and fitness make her a true advocate for the power of healthy eating and active living.