Feb. 24, 2025

“Get back to you” after vacation or the holidays: eggs, protein and omega-3

Health & Nutrition

After travelling or the holidays, you can feel like someone you don’t recognize. Getting back to you is easier than you think, and nutrient-dense foods can help! Extra sugar, alcohol and just food in general combined with less movement is a deadly combination for many. There is no need to start a “detox or diet” to feel energized and get momentum back. Any time during the year, when you feel your diet is chaotic, or your lifestyle habits take a nosedive, starting to incorporate high-quality protein and healthy fat will make all the difference! We share more on our recent interview with Nicole Servinis, Margaret Hudson and me on Things to Know TO .

Be Additive to get Back on Track:

Focus on increasing nutrient-dense foods that your body craves, such as protein and healthy fats, to reduce cravings it will be easier to shift back into enjoying eating in a more balanced way. Don’t subtract things from your life to get back on track, instead be addicted to it! This immediately reduces cravings for sugar and unhealthy treats and gets your hormones back on track. Starting your days with eggs, something rich in protein will help you feel satiated longer, so you eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Why is protein so important for everyone:

Protein is a crucial macronutrient for all our systems; a lot of people think it’s about building muscle, but it’s really about hormones and enzymes first. We need adequate protein for our brain and heart to function properly, and if we don’t get it in our diet, we will steal it from our muscles. For women and older adults, getting adequate protein is a significant issue. Pregnant women and young children have increased needs as well, as they are growing and developing, and must focus on getting high-quality protein. We are moving to more like 20-25% of our diet needs to be protein. We should all try to get a minimum of 15-30 grams per meal occasion.

Eggs are so easy to use and so versatile to get protein into your diet. They can be used as their own dish, or as we will show you, as protein boosters to many other dishes. Our guidelines are being updated, and we may need 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per kg bodyweight for adults and it’s clear that 0.8 grams per kg bodyweight is not adequate. As an example, a 68 kg person would need roughly 82 grams to 109 grams of protein daily to get enough for optimal function.

Two eggs have 13 grams of protein, and if you add liquid egg whites ,  such as Naturegg Simply Egg Whites, this can be boosted up to 25 grams per meal (as scramble, omelets or even French toast). Adding other foods, such as 100% whole grains, or cheese or meat would also boost the protein content of the meal.

Cost is a huge issue for everyone these days. You cannot beat the value of eggs; with families trying to balance good nutrition value with food cost – eggs are the best source of high-quality protein out there at a very competitive price. They can act as a natural whole food vitamin pill, wrapped in   protein with a dollop of healthy fat. You can feed a family of 4 with a dozen eggs for under $6.

What role of Omega-3’s play in our health:

Essential fatty acids are called essential, because we must get them in our diet as we cannot manufacture them in our body. By introducing highly valuable and essential fats, our brain and heart respond by reducing hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods. Unlike omega-6 we tend not to get enough Omega-3 fat in our diets, and the ideal ratio of 4:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3 is off balance.

Most adults will need between 200-500 mg daily of the long chain omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA to support our heart, brain, and nervous system. It’s especially seniors, and pregnant women to have a variety of food to provide omega-3’s. due to decreased or changing appetites and increased requirements.

Omega 3 eggs can play an important role because they are food you can eat every day; they are easy to prepare and a small volume of food with high nutrition density. This is especially important for offering nutrition to seniors and small children. They offer easy, tasty affordable food that contains these essential fats.  Fortified foods such as Naturegg Omega 3 eggs are amazingly useful, especially because they can be added to baked goods, pancakes, French toast and eaten as many different meals as possible and snacks. Many people cannot or do not consume fish, so fortified eggs are an excellent option.

To produce Omega-3 eggs chickens are fed flax seed and they are very efficient at converting the oils in the flax seed into the long chain omega 3 fats, so you get a nice healthy dose of DHA/EPA. Most of the benefits are in the yolk of the egg, adding flavor and mouthfeel to all your dishes! And just like fish, when omega-3 fats are housed in a highly biologically valuable protein such as egg, the absorption rate is excellent. You really get the most bang for your buck.

Eggs are truly one of nature's most nutritious foods. Two large eggs contain 16 essential vitamins and minerals, 13 grams of protein and only 160 calories and an incredible amount of nutrition.

Here are some delicious and easy ways to incorporate more protein and healthy fat in recipes:

Shaved hard-boiled egg on avocado toast: You can actually shave hard-boiled eggs right on top of avocado toast! This is a fun, creative way to add protein, flavour and texture! Even shave hard-boiled eggs into salads, on top of pasta or anywhere you want a boost of protein, fat and flavour.

Deviled Eggs : These can be made ahead and are a quick, easy nutritious snack idea for everyone in the house. If you don’t have time to boil eggs, they are made even easier with our Eggs2go product! It’s a hard boiled 6 pack pouch – we have done all the boiling and peeling for you.

Green Goddess Smoothie with egg whites :

You can easily boost protein in your favourite smoothie drink – with our Naturegg Simply Egg Whites - they are pasteurized so safe to consume out of the carton and loaded with protein.  This makes it so easy to add extra protein, without a lot of calories, or bloating and after-taste that so many protein powders have.

For more nutritious and delicious recipes ideas visit BurnbraeFarms.com/recipes .

Bottom Line:

Getting back to a healthy pattern doesn’t have to be a struggle to detox or diet, it’s about adding in nutrients. Omega-3 enriched eggs like Naturegg Omega 3, egg whites (Naturegg Simply Egg Whites) or any eggs at all are a ticket to re-balancing your hormones, your hunger and your energy levels. This simple, accessible food, some call nature’s “perfect” food should be on your shopping list weekly.

Nishta Saxena

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Follow me on Instagram: @nishtasaxenard