Avocado Egg Salad on Sweet Potato Toasts

The avocado and the sweet potato join forces to create this yummy recipe.

  • Prep time: 5 min
  • Cook time: 2 min

Nutritional Information


1/2 cup
Egg Creations Fat Free Original, well shaken
1 tbsp
coconut oil (or any cooking oil)
ripe avocado
green onion, diced
sweet potato, scrubbed clean
salt & pepper to taste


  1. Heat frying pan over medium heat. Add oil and allow to heat up.

  2. Pour in your Egg Creations and begin to scramble with a spatula.

  3. Once your eggs are cooked through, remove from heat and set aside.

  4. In a medium sized bowl combine your avocado and green onion. Mix together until you create a guacamole consistency.

  5. Add eggs to the gauc and combine.

  6. Serve on sweet potato toasts, crusty bread or on top of a salad.

This recipe was made with:

Egg Creations Fat Free Original

The same great taste with none of the fat.

Learn More

Tips: Baking

Brush pastry and bread dough with Egg Creations Fat Free Original before baking to add a glossy colour.

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