Maple Syrup Pie

The French Canadian tarte au sucre is even more delicious with a fluffy meringue topping.

  • Prep time: 20 min
  • Makes: 6 servings
  • Cook time: 10 min

Nutritional Information



1 cup
maple syrup
1/2 cup
1 tbsp
Naturegg Omega 3 egg yolks, beaten
2 tbsp


  1. Pie filling:

  2. Heat maple syrup, milk and butter, stirring constantly, almost boil.

  3. Add flour to egg yolks, mix until smooth.

  4. Add small amount of milk/syrup mixture, mix again and return all to pot with milk/syrup in it.

  5. Cook till just thickened, pour hot into cooked pie shell

  6. Meringue: combine 2 egg whites, 1/4 tsp cream of tartar, 3 tbsp sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Beat to stiff, glossy peaks.

  7. Top with meringue while still hot.

  8. Cook meringue at 350°F (180°C) for 10 min or until brown.


  1. Meringue: for best results use a glass or metal bowl.

This recipe was made with:

Naturegg Omega 3

A nutritionally enhanced egg that offers even more essential nutrients.

Learn More

Tips: Shell Eggs

When separating eggs, squeeze an empty plastic bottle and hold over the yolk, release some of the pressure and the yolk will suck into the bottle.

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