The Importance of Protein for an Aging Population
Protein is a vital nutrient that’s important for all age groups because it’s required by every cell in the human body. Since protein needs tend to increase as we get older, researchers are now paying special attention to the protein needs of the people over age 65. This is especially true for older adults who may be dealing with acute or chronic illnesses which causes excessive wear and tear on the body. While dealing with an illness, aging bodies process protein less efficiently and need more of it to maintain bone health, muscle mass and strength.
Read MoreEnjoying a Smooth-ie Summer
Summer is in full swing and there is no better way to enjoy the sunshine and warm days than with a smoothie loaded with all the good stuff! Whether I am spending a hot sunny day out in the hammock or coming home off the water with a hankering for something cool, I always crave a smoothie!
Rising Food Prices and The Role Eggs Can Play
If you’ve been grocery shopping lately, you’ve likely noticed a steep increase in prices all around the store. Due to a combination of factors from the pandemic, including issues with food production, transportation, packaging and supply chain, your average grocery bill has likely grown. The dilemma facing many of us is how to ensure that meals remain accessible, affordable and enjoyable amid rising food prices. One solution is to enjoy eggs more often as part of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. As a source of protein with more than 16 essential vitamins and minerals, eggs are a cost effective way to add nutrition and enjoyment to the plate.
Five Tips for Egg Storage and Freshness
Today I’m going to share some great tips to help you reduce egg waste by keeping them fresh and ready-to-use at home for longer.
Jenny Casson Update: Back to Rowing
After seven months of surgeries, rehabilitation, and relocation, I can say that I am finally getting back to rowing! Having to depend on crutches for the first while of 2022 was difficult to say the least. Being able to take my first steps with just two legs to hold my full body weight was truly awesome.
Eggs and Vitamin K2
Eggs are a source of important vitamins and minerals, including selenium, folate, and vitamin D. But one nutrient that recently is getting a lot of attention is vitamin K2, which is found in eggs. Eggs contain about 8mcg of Vitamin K2 and the fat in the egg yolk helps boost absorption of Vitamin K1 found in leafy greens. They are better together!
The Buzz About Bee Lawns
The struggling bee populations have gained a lot of attention in the news the last few years. You may have come across some of these articles and thought “That’s not happening, I see lots of bees flying around in the summertime”, but the reality is, wild bees in Canada are at a high risk of suffering devastating population declines. It has been estimated that about a quarter to a third of wild bee species in Canada are at risk of extinction due to climate change, insecticide use and habitat loss. This issue is not just isolated to Canada, bee populations are declining world-wide.
Grow Your Own Cress Egg Heads
What better way to start spring than with planting some of your own seeds and watching them grow! This May, I wanted to get a little creative when it came to my springtime planting. I came across the cutest little kitchen window-sill cress growing craft, and simply had to take part. What I didn’t expect was the sheer joy I got in watching it grow every day! From seeds to a full head of hair, my little egg heads sprouted faster than ever! Probably because of the healthy Omega 3 eggshells they were growing in - all those nutrients were sure to give them the extra boost for a speedy growth! 😉
Easter Bunny Cake
Spring is in the air. Finally. For many of us, it has been the longest winter in the history of ...
Selenium – The Lesser Known but Important Mineral
There are many nutrients in eggs that lend to its stellar nutrition profile, including protein, iron and vitamin D. But there’s a lesser-known mineral in eggs that’s beginning to make headlines for its health benefits: selenium.
Breakfast and Brunch Boards
I was so taken by the beautiful cookbook On Boards by inspiring Canadian food stylist Lisa Dawn Bolton. Since its publication, I’ve really upped my “board” game. Traditionally, these meal-on-a-board options were filled with a variety of deli meats, cheeses, olives and gherkins but I’ve quickly learned that eggs can play a beautiful role on boards as well.
Easter Egg Decorating with Jenny Casson
The fondest memories I have of Easter celebrations are both the endless varieties of chocolate available and the creative activities we always ended up doing as kids. Naturally, as a child with a constant hankering for sweets (that has not gone away), Easter festivities were never a hard sell for my parents. That being said, Easter is never Easter without some DIY arts and crafts. Decorating Easter eggs was something we always did with mom, followed by an egg scavenger hunt (rain or shine or snow) hidden by the Easter bunny (aided by my dad, of course!).
The Ultimate Additions To Your Easter Menu!
It’s finally that time of year! The grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and spring is in the air. Here at Burnbrae Farms, Easter is one of our favourite holidays because we love eggs! We also love Easter because it’s about bringing family together despite the long distances and busy schedules. And this year, we’ve reached out to our extended family throughout the company to compile Easter recipes from around the office. From a traditional bread recipe, to kid-friendly desserts, to a festive snack for those on the go, these recipes will no doubt become a favourite in your family’s menu. Happy Easter!